“Jesus and God are going to come and change our hearts.”
Thank-you for that nugget of wisdom. Listening to those children respond to Father Samuel’s questions surely changed the hearts of all who were present. Watching those children receive their First Holy Communion brought tears to my eyes. We congratulate Father Samuel, Linda Chavez and the Faith Formation staff, and the parents and families of these children, and we thank them for the wonderful job they are doing in raising their children to be people of faith.
* Speaking of Father Samuel, we offer him our most sincere congratulations. On Friday, April 27, in a message from the Austin Diocesan Offices, the following announcement was made: “In order to serve the people of God, Bishop Gregory Aymond has made the following appointment: Very Rev. Samuel Hose as dean of the Austin South Deanery, for a three year term, effective March 28.”
Congratulations, Father Samuel, and thank-you for sharing your many gifts with Emmaus Parish, as well as the parishes of the Austin South Deanery.
* Pope Benedict XVI declared April 29, 2007 as the 44th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This year’s theme is “The vocation to the service of the Church as communion.” How appropriate that the children of Emmaus Parish received their First Holy Communion on this day. We pray for these children and all children in the world. May they grow in love with their faith, and may the fruits of this love bring many new religious vocations to the Church.
* We have a lot to celebrate in May! May 3 is a National Day of Prayer. We have so much to be grateful for, and we offer our prayers of thanksgiving as we continue to offer petitions in support of everyone who has requested our prayers.
* May is the month of Mary, and she is honored on many occasions throughout the month. This year, the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima fall on Mother’s Day! Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers and most especially to our Blessed Mother!
* “Mary’s Touch” radio programs and “Real-Life Stories of Mary’s Love” begin broadcasting this week on radio stations throughout the country. You can find a listing of the stations broadcasting “Mary’s Touch” at: http://www.marystouch.org/List%20of%20radio%20stations.htm. If you don’t see a station in your area, click the links to the stations. Many of them offer streaming audio broadcasts, so you can listen to the programs on your computer.
* Cheri has been traveling. In mid-April, she was in Fort Smith, AR visiting the parishioners and students at Immaculate Conception. April 27 through 29, she was in Dallas, TX for the Catholic Daughters of Texas conference. On Monday, April 30, Cheri is speaking before the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in Waco. You can look forward to hearing from her when she returns. I’m sure she will have wonderful things to report about the people she’s met and the stories she’s heard.
God bless you all.
Sheila Setter